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Samsung Internal SSD Reviews
This Dataset about reviews from Samsung SSD product in NewEgg store.
The full name of the product: SAMSUNG 850 EVO 2.5" 250GB SATA III 3D NAND Internal Solid State Drive (SSD) MZ-75E250B/AM
The data contains 2227 row and 10 features,
the features generally about reviews, for example review title and review pros and review cons and product rating and the review date.
The oldest review was in 2014 and the most recent one in 2019
ssd\_reviews.csv : Dataset contains reviews
data\_description.txt : A full description of each column, and more information about unique values in each column. Collect method The data scraped by using selenium and beautifulSoup in Newegg Store, And here is the official store link https://www.newegg.com. Data Dictionary |Feature|Description| |-------|---| |review_title|The Title for the customer review| |overall_review|The whole customer review details| |pros|The customer opinion about the good things in this product| |cons|The customer opinion about the bad things in this product| |ownership_pariod|How long the customer owned this product| |date|When the review written| |rating_stars|The product rating from 1 to 5| |year|In which year the review written| |month|In which month the review written| |day|In which day the review written|
data\_description.txt : A full description of each column, and more information about unique values in each column. Collect method The data scraped by using selenium and beautifulSoup in Newegg Store, And here is the official store link https://www.newegg.com. Data Dictionary |Feature|Description| |-------|---| |review_title|The Title for the customer review| |overall_review|The whole customer review details| |pros|The customer opinion about the good things in this product| |cons|The customer opinion about the bad things in this product| |ownership_pariod|How long the customer owned this product| |date|When the review written| |rating_stars|The product rating from 1 to 5| |year|In which year the review written| |month|In which month the review written| |day|In which day the review written|
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