数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
This dataset contains the Tweets of users who have applied the following hashtags: #coronavirus, #coronavirusoutbreak, #coronavirusPandemic, #covid19, #covid_19, #epitwitter, #ihavecorona, #StayHomeStaySafe, #TestTraceIsolate
This is the third dataset in the series, as the Data tab only displays 20 files at a time and I have been uploading files with a single day's worth of data. To ensure that all files are visible to users and no files are too large, it seems prudent to create a second dataset to split the files into manageable groups of approximately half a month. **The first file also contains a file that matches `country` with `country_code` and may be useful for users.**
The first dataset (for the country file and for Tweets in March) is located here: [https://www.kaggle.com/smid80/coronavirus-covid19-tweets](https://www.kaggle.com/smid80/coronavirus-covid19-tweets)
The second dataset (for Tweets in early April) is located here: [https://www.kaggle.com/smid80/coronavirus-covid19-tweets-early-april](https://www.kaggle.com/smid80/coronavirus-covid19-tweets-early-april)
The dataset contains variables associated with Twitter: the text of various tweets and the accounts that tweeted them, the hashtags used and the locations of the accounts.
Note that due to the large volume of Tweets, there may be some gaps for some hashtags (not all Tweets with a given hashtag may be captured). Because some hashtags are used less frequently than other hashtags, less frequently used hashtags may span a longer period of time (going back earlier) than more frequently used hashtags.
The retweets argument has been set to FALSE, so this dataset does not include retweets (although a count of retweets is provided as a variable).
This dataset would not be possible without the creators of the rtweet package on CRAN. The cover and thumbnail images are from the CDC, and downloaded from unsplash.
Do countries with more cases also have more Tweets?
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