数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
# Superheroes NLP dataset
1400+ Superheroes history and powers description to apply text mining and NLP
## Context
The aim of this dataset is to make text analytics and NLP even funnier. All of us have dreamed to be like a superhero and save the world, yet we are still on Kaggle figuring out how python works. Then, why not improve our NLP competences by analyzing Superheros' history and powers?
The particularity of this dataset is that it contains **categorical and numerical features** such as `overall_score`, `intelligence_score`, `creator`, `alignment`, `gender`, `eye_color` but also *text features* `history_text` and `powers_text`. By combining the two, a lot of interesting insights can be gathered!
## Content
We collected all data from [superherodb](https://www.superherodb.com/) and cooked for you in a nice and clean tabular format.
The dataset contains *1447* different Superheroes. Each superhero row has:
- `overall_score` - derivated by superherodb from the _power stats_ features. Can you find the relationship?
- `history_text` - History of the Superhero (text features)
- `powers_text` - Description of Superheros' powers (text features)
- `intelligence_score`, `strength_score`, `speed_score`, `durability_score`, `power_score` and `combat_score`. (_power stats_ features)
- "Origin" (`full_name`, `alter_egos`, ...)
- "Connections" (`occupation`, `base`, `teams`, ...)
- "Appareance" (`gender`, `type_race`, `height`, `weight`, `eye_color`, ...)
## Your turn
There are numerous ways you can have fun with this dataset. Now is up to you!
Some ideas to start:
- Who is the coolest superhero?
Given only the two text columns, can you find a formula to find the coolest superhero?
- Who is the stronger superhero of all time?
By combining _text_ features with the _power stats_ features, can you try to say who is the most strong superhero of all time?
- Text classification: can you predict who is the Superhero `creator` just by using the text columns? (yes, you can!)
Moreover, can you find a good way to cluster data in an unsupervised manner?
- Who is the top 10 Woman Superheroes?
23% of the Superheroes are woman, can you spot who is the top 10?
## Acknowledgements
The following [Github repository](https://github.com/jbesomi/texthero/tree/master/dataset/Superheroes%20NLP%20Dataset) contains the code used to scrape this Dataset.
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