数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
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New York Times has a wide audience and plays a prominent role in shaping people's opinion and outlook on current affairs and also in setting the tone of the public discourse, especially in the USA. The comment section in the articles is very active and it gives a glimpse of readers' take on the matters concerning the articles.
The data contains information about the comments made on the articles
published in New York Times in Jan-May 2017 and Jan-April 2018. The
month-wise data is given in two csv
files - one each for the articles on which comments were made and for the comments themselves. The csv
files for comments contain over 2 million comments in total with 34 features and those for articles contain 16 features about more than 9,000 articles.
The data set is rich in information containing comments' texts, that
are largely very well written, along with contextual information such as
section/topic of the article, as well as features indicating how well
the comment was received by the readers such as editorsSelection
and recommendations
. This data can serve the purpose of understanding and analyzing the public mood.
The exploratory kernel here can be used for a review of the features of the dataset and the NB-Logistic model kernel for predicting NYT's pick can be used as a starter for building models on a range of ideas, some of which are:
Predicting the number of upvotes a comment will receive using the feature
as the target variable. With enough training set for the model, we can make a guess of how a hypothetical comment on a certain topic will be received by the community of NYT readers' and this can be considered a tool to gauge public opinion. The design of this model will be very similar to the ones used in ranking the reviews based on guessing how many upvotes the reviews will receive.Predicting whether a comment will be editor's pick using feature
as the target variable. It gives a clue to what NYT considers worth promoting.based on a comment, guessing the topic (using
as the target variable) of the article.Predicting how likely it is for a comment to get replies (using
feature as the target variable).Predicting how likely it is for an article to initiate discussion and get comments and upvotes as well as sentiment analysis of the comments' text.
Predicting the same as above for topics (indicated by the features
).Analyzing behaviors of the top commenters such as which topics they most likely comment and the sentiment analysis of the comments.
Data collection
The python package here written to supplant this dataset can be used to retrieve comments from a customized search of the NYT articles concerning a specific topic, for example - Iraq war or ObamaCare - in a given timeline. The tutorial here gives detailed information about the use of the package with the help of examples.
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