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As part of my [OpenAI Scholars summer program][1], I wanted to try out the ULMFiT approach to text classification: [http://nlp.fast.ai/classification/2018/05/15/introducting-ulmfit.html][2].
ULMFiT has been described as a "state-of-the-art AWD LSTM" language model *backbone* or *encoder* with a linear classifier *head* or *decoder*.
The language model released by Jeremy Howard and Sebastian Ruder comes pre-trained with WikiText-103, and optionally one can choose to fine-tune it with a corpus more related to the downstream task.
The general idea is to first teach the model English (Wikipedia), then teach it about more specific writing (e.g., movie reviews). With that kind of prior knowledge, sentiment analysis should be a whole lot easier.
I initially tried fine-tuning the WikiText-103 language model on the complete sentences provided by the Rotten Tomatoes dataset from the [Movie Review Sentiment Analysis Playground Competition][3] - however, my classification results were lackluster.
I got better results by fine-tuning first on the larger [IMDB movie reviews dataset][4], then fine-tuning that on sentences from Rotten Tomatoes, then finally applying the linear head and classifying sentiment. The result of this process is the pre-trained model `fwd_pretrain_aclImdb_clas_1.h5`. It was pre-trained with scripts provided [here][5]. I executed the scripts in this approximate order:
# fine-tune from WikiText-103 to IMDB
python create_toks.py data/aclImdb/imdb_lm/
python tok2id.py data/aclImdb/imdb_lm/
python finetune_lm.py data/aclImdb/imdb_lm/ data/wt103/ 0 50 --lm-id pretrain_wt103 --early_stopping True
# fine-tune from IMDB to RT
python create_toks.py data/rt/rt_lm/
python tok2id.py data/rt/rt_lm/
python finetune_lm.py data/rt/rt_lm/ data/aclImdb/imdb_lm/ 0 50 --lm-id pretrain_aclImdb --early_stopping True --pretrain_id aclImdb
# classify
python train_clas.py data/rt/rt_clas/ 0 --lm-id pretrain_aclImdb --clas-id pretrain_aclImdb --lr 0.0001 --cl=25
I then zipped up all the files necessary to run the [kernel][6] for competition submission.
To be honest, I was hoping for a more impressive result - my ok-ish [result][7] in the competition is likely a testament to the challenging task of assigning the same sentiment to all "phrases" of a sentence (down to single punctuation marks). Perhaps more epochs or time spent tinkering with parameters would help.
All credit goes to Jeremy Howard and Sebastian Ruder. Check out ["Introducing state of the art text classification with universal language models"][8] for more explanation, plus links to the paper, video, and code.
[1]: https://iconix.github.io/dl/2018/05/30/openai-scholar
[2]: http://nlp.fast.ai/category/classification.html
[3]: https://www.kaggle.com/c/movie-review-sentiment-analysis-kernels-only/
[4]: http://ai.stanford.edu/~amaas/data/sentiment/
[5]: https://github.com/fastai/fastai/tree/master/courses/dl2/imdb_scripts
[6]: https://www.kaggle.com/iconix/ulmfit-for-rotten-tomatoes/code
[7]: https://www.kaggle.com/iconix/ulmfit-for-rotten-tomatoes
[8]: http://nlp.fast.ai/classification/2018/05/15/introducting-ulmfit.html
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