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OCR/Text Detection Classification

该数据集包含3个子数据集:dataset 1、dataset 3、dataset 4,如下所述:Dataset 1: 4.1 million ratingsValues from (-10.00 to......

数据结构 ? 16.77M

    Data Structure ?

    * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。

    该数据集包含3个子数据集:dataset 1、dataset 3、dataset 4,如下所述:

    Dataset 1: 4.1 million ratings

    Values from (-10.00 to +10.00) of 100 jokes from 73,421 users: collected between April 1999 - May 2003

    The text for each of the 100 Dataset 1 jokes can be downloaded here: (92KB)


    1. 100 files

    2. Each file has name init1.html,...,init100.html

    3. The numbers refer to the ID's of the jokes in the Excel files

    The ratings data:

    • (3.9MB) Data from 24,983 users who have rated 36 or more jokes, a matrix with dimensions 24983 X 101.

    • (3.6MB) Data from 23,500 users who have rated 36 or more jokes, a matrix with dimensions 23500 X 101.

    • (2.1MB) Data from 24,938 users who have rated between 15 and 35 jokes, a matrix with dimensions 24,938 X 101.


    1. Data files are in .zip format, when unzipped, they are in Excel (.xls) format

    2. Ratings are real values ranging from -10.00 to +10.00 (the value "99" corresponds to "null" = "not rated").

    3. One row per user

    4. The first column gives the number of jokes rated by that user. The next 100 columns give the ratings for jokes 01 - 100.

    5. The sub-matrix including only columns {5, 7, 8, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20} is dense. Almost all users have rated those jokes (see discussion of "universal queries" in the above paper).

    Dataset 3: 2.3 million ratings

    Values from (-10.00 to +10.00) of 100 jokes from 73,421 users: collected between April 1999 - May 2003

    Includes 150 jokes( 50 not in Dataset 1) and an updated version of our old Dataset 2 with over 115,000 new ratings from 82,366 total users: data collected from November 2006 - Mar 2015

    The text of the 150 Dataset 3 jokes: jester_dataset_2/ (29KB)


    1. An excel spreadsheet with 150 rows

    2. The row number corresponds to the joke ID referred to in the Excel files above

    3. The first 100 jokes and their ID's are consistent with the 100 jokes in Dataset 1

    The Ratings Data, Save to disk, then unzip: (6MB)


    • The data is formatted as an excel file representing a 54,905 by 151 with rows as users and columns as jokes. The left-most column contains the total amount of jokes rated by the user. There are a total of 54905 users and 150 jokes in this dataset.

    • 22 of these jokes have few ratings as they were removed as of May 2009 deemed to be out of date (eg, Bill Clinton jokes;) their ids are: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 20, 27, 31, 43, 51, 52, 61, 73, 80, 100, 116}.

    • Each rating is from (-10.00 to +10.00) and 99 corresponds to a null rating (user did not rate that joke).

    Note that the ratings are real values ranging from -10.00 to +10.00. As of May 2009, the jokes {7, 8, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19} are the "gauge set" (as discussed in the Eigentaste paper) and the jokes {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 20, 27, 31, 43, 51, 52, 61, 73, 80, 100, 116} were removed (i.e. they are never displayed or rated).

    Dataset 4

    Over 100,000 new ratings from 7,699 total users: data collected from April 2015 - Nov 2019

    The text of the jokes: (30KB)


    1. Includes 8 new jokes 151-158.  

    2. An excel sheet with 158 rows.  

    3. The row number corresponds to the joke ID referred to in the Excel files below

    4. The first 150 jokes and their ID's are consistent with the jokes from earlier datasets

    The Ratings data: Save to disk, then unzip: (1.4MB)


    • The data is formatted as an excel file representing a 7699 by 159 matrix with rows as users and columns as jokes. The left-most column represents the amount of jokes rated by each user. There are a total of 7699 users and 158 jokes in this dataset.

    • 22 of the jokes don't have ratings, their ids are: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 20, 27, 31, 43, 51, 52, 61, 73, 80, 100, 116}.

    • 8 jokes were added to this version {151-158}

    • Each rating is from (-10.00 to +10.00) and 99 corresponds to a null rating (user did not rate that joke).

    Note that the ratings are real values ranging from -10.00 to +10.00. The jokes {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 20, 27, 31, 43, 51, 52, 61, 73, 80, 100, 116} have been removed (i.e. they are never displayed or rated). As of April 2015, 8 jokes were added.

    For further information please contact:

    Ken Goldberg
    goldberg at berkeley dot edu
    Prof of IEOR and EECS
    UC Berkeley
    (510) 643-9565 (phone)




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