数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
AISHELL-2019A-eval 随机抽取 50 个发音人。每人从位置 A(高保真 44.1kHz,16bit)与位置 F(Android 系统手机 16kHz,16bit)中,各选取 232 句到 237 句。
此数据库经过专业语音校对人员转写标注,并通过严格质量检验,文本正确率 100%。
Aishell is an open-source Chinese Mandarin speech corpus published by Beijing Shell Shell Technology Co.,Ltd.
400 people from different accent areas in China are invited to participate in the recording, which is conducted in a quiet indoor environment using high fidelity microphone and downsampled to 16kHz. The manual transcription accuracy is above 95%, through professional speech annotation and strict quality inspection. The data is free for academic use. We hope to provide moderate amount of data for new researchers in the field of speech recognition.
You can cite the data using the following BibTeX entry:
@inproceedings{aishell_2017, title={AIShell-1: An Open-Source Mandarin Speech Corpus and A Speech Recognition baseline}, author={Hui Bu, Jiayu Du, Xingyu Na, Bengu Wu, Hao Zheng}, booktitle={Oriental COCOSDA 2017}, pages={Submitted}, year={2017} }
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