数据结构 ?
CACD 数据集(全称 Cross-Age Celebrity Dataset)是一个用于跨年龄的人脸识别和检索的大规模数据集, 包含来自互联网的 2,000 名名人的 163,446 张图片。
该数据集于 2014 年由马里兰大学计算机科学系发布,相关论文为 Cross-Age Reference Coding for Age-Invariant Face Recognition and Retrieval。
Bor-Chun Chen, Chu-Song Chen, Winston H. Hsu. Cross-Age Reference Coding for Age-Invariant Face Recognition and Retrieval, ECCV 201 [Pdf] [Bibtex]
Bor-Chun Chen, Chu-Song Chen, Winston H. Hsu. Face Recognition using Cross-Age Reference Coding with Cross-Age Celebrity Dataset, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2015. (accepted) [pdf]
celebrityData - contains information of the 2,000 celebrities
name - celebrity name
identity - celebrity id
birth - celebrity brith year
rank - rank of the celebrity with same birth year in IMDB.com when the dataset was constructed
lfw - whether the celebrity is in LFW dataset
celebrityImageData - contains information of the face images
age - estimated age of the celebrity
identity - celebrity id
year - estimated year of which the photo was taken
feature - 75,520 dimension LBP feature extracted from 16 facial landmarks
name - file name of the image
Database | 2004-2006 | 2007-2009 | 2010-2012 | |||
Methods | MAP | p@1 | MAP | p@1 | MAP | p@1 |
High-Dimensional LBP | 36.6% | 78.0% | 38.9% | 80.3% | 44.0% | 85.5% |
Cross-Age Reference Coding | 52.9% | 88.8% | 55.5% | 88.5% | 61.1% | 92.2% |
D.Chen,X.Cao,F.Wen,andJ.Sun,“Blessingofdimensionality:High- dimensional
feature and its efficient compression for face verification,” in IEEE
Conf. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2013, pp. 3025– 3032.
2. D. Gong, Z. Li, D. Lin, J. Liu, and X. Tang, “Hidden
factor analysis for age invariant face recognition,” in IEEE Int. Conf.
Computer Vision, 2013.
3. Chen, Bor-Chun, Chu-Song Chen, and Winston H. Hsu. "Face
recognition and retrieval using cross-age reference coding with
cross-age celebrity dataset." IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 17.6
(2015): 804-815.
4. Wen, Yandong, Zhifeng Li, and Yu Qiao. "Latent factor
guided convolutional neural networks for age-invariant face
recognition." Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition. 2016.
If you use our dataset and would like to report your results, please e-mail Sirius Chen. We will be gald to put your results on this webstie.
For cross-age reference coding (CARC) code use in this paper, please visit [here]
We also implemented the high-dimensional LBP features (Chen, Cao, Wen, and Sun, CVPR 2013), please visit [here] for more information.
How do I access the annotated images in the CACD dataset?
- The celebrities with rank 1-5 are annotated. Celebrities with rank 1-2 (totally 80 celebrities) are used for valiadation, use celebrityImageData.name{find(celebrityImageData.rank <= 2)} to access the file names of these images; celebrities with rank 3-5 (totally 120 celebrities) are used for testing, use celebrityImageData.name{find(celebrityImageData.rank > 2 && celebrityImageData.rank <=5)} to access the file names.
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