数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
The data is used in AISHELL Speaker Verification Challenge 2019. It is extracted from a larger
database called AISHELL-WakeUp-1.
The contents are wake-up words "Hi, Mia" in both Chinese
and English. The data is collected in real home environment using microphone arrays and Hi-Fi
microphone. The collection process and development of a baseline system was described in the
paper below. The data used in the challenge is extracted from 1 Hi-Fi microphone and 16-channel
circular microphone arrays for 1/3/5 meters. And the contents are the Chinese wake-up words.
The whole set is divided into train (254 people), dev (42 people) and test (44 people) subsets.
Test subset is provided with paired target/non-target answer to evaluate verification results.
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