数据结构 ?
ArT是Total Text[4]、SCUT-CTW1500[5]和百度曲线场景文本的组合,收集这些文本的目的是将任意形状的文本问题引入场景文本社区。在现有图像(3055张)的基础上,将超过7111张图像添加到两个数据集的混合中,这使得ArT成为当今规模更大的场景文本数据集之一。ArT数据集中总共有10166张图像。它被分成一个包含5603幅图像的训练集和一个包含4563幅新收集图像的测试集。ArT数据集是在考虑到文本形状多样性的情况下收集的,因此所有现有文本形状(即水平、多方向和弯曲)在数据集中都有大量存在,这使其成为一个独特的数据集,因为大多数现有数据集[1、2、3]仅由水平和多方向文本实例主导。
Training Set
For Task 1 and Task 3
train_images.tar.gz (1.6G) - 5,603 images
train_labels.json (41M) - The ground-truth file for 5,603 images
For Task 2
train_task2_images.tar.gz (439M) - 50,029 images
train_labels_task2.json (35M) - The ground-truth file for 50,029 images
Test Set
The first part of the test set:
test_part1_task2_images.tar.gz (439M) - 24836 images
test_part1_images.tar.gz (1.4G) - 2271 images
For Task 1 and Task 3
For Task 2
The final part of the test set:
test_part2_task2_images.tar.gz (467M) - 27795 images
test_part2_images.tar.gz (1.4G) - 2292 images
For Task 1 and Task 3
For Task 2
Karatzas, Dimosthenis, et al. "ICDAR 2013 robust reading competition."12th IAPR International Conference on document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR). IEEE, 2013.
Karatzas, Dimosthenis, et al. "ICDAR 2015 competition on robust reading." 13th IAPR International Conference on document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR). IEEE, 2015.
Gomez, Raul, et al. "ICDAR2017 robust reading challenge on COCO-Text." 14th IAPR International Conference on document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR). IEEE, 2017.
Ch'ng, Chee Kheng, and Chee Seng Chan. "Total-text: A comprehensive dataset for scene text detection and recognition." 14th IAPR International Conference on document Analysis and Recognition (ICDAR). Vol. 1. IEEE, 2017.
Yuliang, Liu, Lianwen, Jin, et al. "Curved Scene Text Detection via Transverse and Longitudinal Sequence Connection." Pattern Recognition, 2019.
C. Chng, Y. Liu, Y. Sun, et al, “ICDAR 2019 Robust Reading Challenge on Arbitrary-Shaped Text-RRC-ArT”, in Proc. of ICDAR 2019.
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