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Earth and Nature,Finance,Socrata,Real Estate Classification

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    Content The Department of Taxation and Finance annually produces a mandated report of taxpayers claiming Brownfield Credits to help analyze the effects of the program. Chapter 390 of the Laws of 2008 created Section 171-r of the Tax Law that requires the Tax Department to produce a Brownfield Credit Report by January 31st of each year. Additionally, Part BB of Chapter 56 of the Laws of 2015 amends Section 171-r to require the Tax Department to produce a supplemental Brownfield Credit Report by January 31, 2016 containing the credits claimed for the years 2005, 2006, and 2007. The mandates require the Department to include the name of each taxpayer claiming the brownfield redevelopment tax credit, the remediated brownfield credit for real property taxes, or the environmental remediation credit, the amount of credit earned, and information identifying the brownfield project generating the credit. The Tax Department is also authorized to include any other information that it deems useful in analyzing the effects of the program. Context This is a dataset hosted by the State of New York. The state has an open data platform found [here]( and they update their information according the amount of data that is brought in. Explore New York State using Kaggle and all of the data sources available through the State of New York [organization page](! * Update Frequency: This dataset is updated annually. Acknowledgements This dataset is maintained using Socrata's API and Kaggle's API. [Socrata]( has assisted countless organizations with hosting their open data and has been an integral part of the process of bringing more data to the public. [Cover photo]( by [Helloquence]( on [Unsplash]( _Unsplash Images are distributed under a unique [Unsplash License](



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