数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
# Description
This is a collection of the Santander (Spain) bike-sharing open data facility, named [Tusbic][1], operated by JCDecaux.
I will be updating this dataset form time to time, added new data as I collect it.
# Format
## Bike sharing system data
The `bikes.csv` file contains the information from the bike sharing system. Data is structured as follows:
* `number` number of the station
* `contract_name` name of the contract of the station
* `name` name of the station
* `address` address of the station (raw)
* `lat` latitude of the station in WGS84 format
* `lng` latitude of the station in WGS84 format
* `banking` indicates whether this station has a payment terminal
* `bonus` indicates whether this is a bonus station
* `status` indicates whether this station is CLOSEDor OPEN
* `bike_stands` the number of operational bike stands at this station
* `available_bike_stands` the number of available bike stands at this station
* `available_bikes` the number of available and operational bikes at this station
* `last_update` timestamp indicating the last update time in milliseconds since Epoch
## Bike lane geometries
The `bike_lanes.csv` file contains the geometries of bike lanes in Santander city, as published by the Santander City Council in its [open data platform][2].
* `ayto:WKT` contains the geometry in WKT format, using ED50 UTM coordinates (zone 30N).
* `wkt_wsg84` contains the geometry in WKT format, using WGS84 coordinates.
* `ayto:Estado` shows the status of the bike lane. EJECUTADO means that is has been built and it is operative.
# License
The bike sharing data is being collected from the [JCDecaux Developer][3] Open Data platform and is licensed under the [Etalab Open License][4], compatbile with the standards of Open Data licenses (ODC-BY, CC-BY 2.0).
The bike lane geometry is being collected form the [Santander Open Data Platform][5] and is licensed under a CC BY 4.0 license.
Dataste Kaggle logo is a photo licensed under a CC-BY-SA 3.0, authored by [Tiia Monto][6].
[1]: http://www.tusbic.es/
[2]: http://datos.santander.es/dataset/?id=carril-bici
[3]: https://developer.jcdecaux.com/
[4]: https://developer.jcdecaux.com/#/opendata/license
[5]: http://datos.santander.es
[6]: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Tusbic.jpg
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