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数据结构 ? 52.39M

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    * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。

    Australia NSW traffic fine data, from |Columns | Type | Description | |---------------------|---------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |OFFENCE_FINYEAR | String | The financial year of the penalty notice | |OFFENCE_MONTH | Date | The first day of the month of the penalty notice | |OFFENCE_CODE | Integer | A unique identifier for the offence | |OFFENCE_DESC | String | The description of the offence | |LEGISLATION | String | The legislation creating the offence | |SECTION_CLAUSE | String | The relevant section or clause of the legislation | |FACE_VALUE | Number | The penalty amount for the offence ($) | |CAMERA_IND | String | An indicator for 'Camera detected' offences | |CAMERA_TYPE | String | The type of camera | |LOCATION_CODE | String | A unique identifier for the location of a camera | |LOCATION_DETAILS | String | The street and suburb of a camera, and the direction in which it operates | |SCHOOL_ZONE_IND | String | An indicator for 'School Zone' offences | |SPEED_BAND | String | The speed range (also indicates red light offences) | |SPEED_IND | String | An indicator for 'Speeding' offences | |POINT_TO_POINT_IND | String | An indicator for 'Point to Point Camera' offences | |RED_LIGHT_CAMERA_IND | String | An indicator for 'Red Light Camera' offences | |SPEED_CAMERA_IND | String | An indicator for 'Speed Camera' offences | |SEATBELT_IND | String | An indicator for 'Seatbelt' offences | |MOBILE_PHONE_IND | String | An indicator for 'Mobile Phone' offences | |PARKING_IND | String | An indicator for 'Parking' offences | |CINS_IND | String | An indicator for 'Criminal Infringement Notice Scheme' offences | |FOOD_IND | String | An indicator for 'Food Safety' offences | |BICYCLE_TOY_ETC_IND | String | An indicator for 'Bicycle, Wheeled Toy and other Non-Motor Vehicle' offences| |TOTAL_NUMBER | Integer | The total number of penalty notices issued | |TOTAL_VALUE | Number | The total face value of penalty notices issued | OSR_FINES DATASET Date 1/12/17 Record count 264,608 Format Comma-separated values (CSV) Includes Penalty notices loaded to the fines system on or before 30/11/2017. Penalty notices with an offence date within the last five full financial years and the current financial year. Penalty notices with an offence date on or before the last calendar day of last month. |Columns | Type | Description | |---------------------|---------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |OFFENCE_FINYEAR | String | The financial year of the penalty notice | |OFFENCE_MONTH | Date | The first day of the month of the penalty notice | |OFFENCE_CODE | Integer | A unique identifier for the offence | |OFFENCE_DESC | String | The description of the offence | |LEGISLATION | String | The legislation creating the offence | |SECTION_CLAUSE | String | The relevant section or clause of the legislation | |FACE_VALUE | Number | The penalty amount for the offence ($) | |CAMERA_IND | String | An indicator for 'Camera detected' offences | |CAMERA_TYPE | String | The type of camera | |LOCATION_CODE | String | A unique identifier for the location of a camera | |LOCATION_DETAILS | String | The street and suburb of a camera, and the direction in which it operates | |SCHOOL_ZONE_IND | String | An indicator for 'School Zone' offences | |SPEED_BAND | String | The speed range (also indicates red light offences) | |SPEED_IND | String | An indicator for 'Speeding' offences | |POINT_TO_POINT_IND | String | An indicator for 'Point to Point Camera' offences | |RED_LIGHT_CAMERA_IND | String | An indicator for 'Red Light Camera' offences | |SPEED_CAMERA_IND | String | An indicator for 'Speed Camera' offences | |SEATBELT_IND | String | An indicator for 'Seatbelt' offences | |MOBILE_PHONE_IND | String | An indicator for 'Mobile Phone' offences | |PARKING_IND | String | An indicator for 'Parking' offences | |CINS_IND | String | An indicator for 'Criminal Infringement Notice Scheme' offences | |FOOD_IND | String | An indicator for 'Food Safety' offences | |BICYCLE_TOY_ETC_IND | String | An indicator for 'Bicycle, Wheeled Toy and other Non-Motor Vehicle' offences| |TOTAL_NUMBER | Integer | The total number of penalty notices issued | |TOTAL_VALUE | Number | The total face value of penalty notices issued |



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