数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
A number of textured surfaces, including fabrics and surfaces of stone, were imaged in the local surroundings. Textured surfaces were also arranged using articles such as rice grains, sesame seeds and lentils.
- 28 texture classes.
- 160 unique texture patches per class. (Alternative dataset with 12 rotations per each original patch, 160*12=1920 texture patches per class).
- Texture patch size: 576x576 pixels.
- File format: Lossless compressed 8 bit PNG.
- All patches are normalized with a mean value of 127 and a standard deviation of 40.
- One directory per texture class.
- Files are named as follows: blanket1-d-p011-r180.png, where blanket1 is the class name, d original image sample number (possible values are a, b, c, or d), p011 is patch number 11, r180 patch rotated 180 degrees.
Data Collection
Each texture class was imaged under only one light setting from one direction on the same distance. The images were acquired with a Canon EOS 550d DSLR camera with a Sigma 17-70 mm zoom lens. Focus and exposure were manually set. The 5*,* 184 ¡Á 3*,* 456 pixel size images were acquired as lossless compressed raw fifiles (CR2). The raw fifiles were corrected for lens distortion, chromatic aberration and vignetting formed by the Sigma lens. The corrections was performed according to the settings in the ¡°Adobe (SIGMA 17-70mm F2.8-4 DC Macro OS HSM, Canon)¡± lens profifile in Adobe Photoshop CS5 .The images were then converted to gray scale and saved as lossless PNG fifiles. Lens correction and raw conversion was done in Adobe Photoshop CS5.
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