数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
# Context
The **demonetization of ?500 and ?1000** banknotes was a step taken by the **Government of India** on 8 November 2016, ceasing the usage of all ?500 and ?1000 banknotes of the Mahatma Gandhi Series as a form of legal tender in India from 9 November 2016.
The announcement was made by the Prime Minister of India **Narendra Modi** in an unscheduled live televised address to the nation at 20:15 Indian Standard Time (IST) the same day. In the announcement, Modi declared circulation of all ?500 and ?1000 banknotes of the Mahatma Gandhi Series as invalid and announced the issuance of new ?500 and ?2000 banknotes of the Mahatma Gandhi New Series in exchange for the old banknotes.
# Content
The data contains 6000 most recent tweets on #demonetization. There are 6000 rows(one for each tweet) and 14 columns.
## Metadata:
* Text (Tweets)
* favorited
* favoriteCount
* replyToSN
* created
* truncated
* replyToSID
* id
* replyToUID
* statusSource
* screenName
* retweetCount
* isRetweet
* retweeted
# Acknowledgement
The data was collected using the **"twitteR"** package in R using the twitter API.
# Past Research
I have performed my own analysis on the data. I only did a sentiment analysis and formed a word cloud.
[Click here to see the analysis on GitHub](https://github.com/arathee2/demonetization-india/blob/master/demonetization-sentiment-analysis.md)
# Inspiration
* What percentage of tweets are negative, positive or neutral ?
* What are the most famous/re-tweeted tweets ?
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