数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
This listing includes four datasets which, when combined, thoroughly describe the existing airfields in the State of Alaska. The challenge for this dataset, for those who care to attempt it, is to create an interactive graphical representation of this information that provides as much of this data on demand as possible.
This dataset was pulled from the faa.gov and is current as of 30 March 2017.
No research has yet been done on this dataset. Creating a usable graphical representation of this data (i.e. a map that shows all airfields and provides detailed information when each airfield is selected) would prove a very useful planning tool for emergency response planning in the state of Alaska. The intent of posting this dataset is to seek feedback and analysis along those lines.
Above all it is important that any code used to transform this dataset be reusable, since the FAA regularly updates their information on these airfields. An ideal solution would allow these datasets to be fed in one end and spit out a beautiful, intuitive, user-friendly product at the other end.
All the data files are provided in .csv format. The dictionary that contains the definitions for the various fields is provided in Excel because it contains multiple spreadsheets (one to describe each .csv file). It is recommended that you download the Excel file so you can refer to it in Excel while you work on the .csv files.
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