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* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
# Context
Eclipses of the sun can only occur when the moon is near one of its two orbital nodes during the new moon phase. It is then possible for the Moon's penumbral, umbral, or antumbral shadows to sweep across Earth's surface thereby producing an eclipse. There are four types of solar eclipses: a partial eclipse, during which the moon's penumbral shadow traverses Earth and umbral and antumbral shadows completely miss Earth; an annular eclipse, during which the moon's antumbral shadow traverses Earth but does not completely cover the sun; a total eclipse, during which the moon's umbral shadow traverses Earth and completely covers the sun; and a hybrid eclipse, during which the moon's umbral and antumbral shadows traverse Earth and annular and total eclipses are visible in different locations. Earth will experience 11898 solar eclipses during the five millennium period -1999 to +3000 (2000 BCE to 3000 CE).
Eclipses of the moon can occur when the moon is near one of its two orbital nodes during the full moon phase. It is then possible for the moon to pass through Earth's penumbral or umbral shadows thereby producing an eclipse. There are three types of lunar eclipses: a penumbral eclipse, during which the moon traverses Earth's penumbral shadow but misses its umbral shadow; a partial eclipse, during which the moon traverses Earth's penumbral and umbral shadows; and a total eclipse, during which the moon traverses Earth's penumbral and umbral shadows and passes completely into Earth's umbra. Earth will experience 12064 lunar eclipses during the five millennium period -1999 to +3000 (2000 BCE to 3000 CE).
# Acknowledgements
Lunar eclipse predictions were produced by Fred Espenak from NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.
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