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Earth and Nature,Health,Public Safety,Public Health,Chemistry Classification

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    ## Context What is the TSCA Chemical Substances Control Inventory? Section 8 (b) of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) requires EPA to compile, keep current and publish a list of each chemical substance that is manufactured or processed, including imports, in the United States for uses under TSCA. Also called the “TSCA Inventory” or simply “the Inventory,” it plays a central role in the regulation of most industrial chemicals in the United States. The initial reporting period by manufacturers, processors and importers was January to May of 1978 for chemical substances that had been in commerce since January of 1975. The Inventory was initially published in 1979, and a second version, containing about 62,000 chemical substances, was published in 1982. The TSCA Inventory has continued to grow since then, and now lists about 85,000 chemicals. EPA’s compilation of the public TSCA Inventory information is updated twice a year to include new and corrected TSCA Inventory chemical listings, and it contains none of the chemical identities claimed as confidential. Thus it is not as complete nor current as the information contained in EPA's TSCA Master Inventory File, which includes the chemical identities claimed as confidential and is updated continuously as new and corrected information is received by EPA. Consequently, for the purposes of TSCA compliance, the TSCA Master Inventory File maintained by EPA's Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics is the only complete and accurate source that can provide authoritative and conclusive information about which chemical substances are currently included in the TSCA Inventory. ## Content TSCAINV_062017.csv - ID: Record ID Number - RN: Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number - casregno: CAS registry number without "-" [dashes] - IN: Index Name (Chemical name) - DF: Chemical substance definition - FL: EPA TSCA Regulatory Flag - UV: UVCB Flag - CS: Commercial Status Designation PMNACC_062017.csv - ID: Record Number ID - PMNNO: PMN Number/Form Number - ACCNO: EPA Accession Number - GN: Generic Name - FL: EPA TSCA Regulatory Flag - CS: Commercial Status Designation ## Acknowledgements The EPA updates this registry is twice per year. The version here was downloaded on Oct 18th, 2017. Check the EPA website for updated versions: [][1]. Inspiration There are lots of air quality and pollution datasets that you can use in conjunction with this TSCA Registry to learn more about contaminants and chemicals in general. [1]:



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