数据结构 ?
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Let's mine the letters to see who is a real leader! can we??
Most of these are letters to the shareholders by CEOs and Chairmen. Some of the letters are letters to their employees. I am hoping to collect more letters to employees.
Most of this data is pulled from NSE
How many many emails do you recieve from your CEO every year? I was thinking to myself that this is a meausre of success/failure of a company. They are usually not very plesent emails. The CEO mostly only writes to all his employees when there is trouble.
"We are on a growth path blah blah but to sustain the growth we have to cut jobs blah blah"
"Blah blah you must have read, we got aquired!!. BUT we are focused...blah blah don't panic I won't fire you some one else will"
"we were pulled up by the competition commission we din't do any of it. It all a lie. We are commited t to our values..blah blah"
"we were greedy we held risky financial instruments...blah blah we are screwed"
"We have been fudging our accounts...blah blah I am made a few millions you guys are screwed thank you for your cooperation"
My sympathies are with the man/woman in the position having to write these emails. But all this makes me wonder is a CEO a leader by virtue of authority alone? is he/she a stooge in the hands of the board and shareholders? My question is: Is CEO a leader? He is appointed indirectly by the shareholders through the directors to protect and grow their wealth in the coming quarter (if not weeks). Shareholders have no loyalty, they don't care for values and they are only there with you for the money.
So, how can a man/woman appointed by a bunch of random people be my leader? Someone appointed by people who do not share the companies values, vision, some shareholders may not ever know what business the company is in to. A CEOs compensation is also largely incentivized by revenue and profitability metrics. Can this man stand up for what the company stands up for? Does he ever have my (employees) interest in mind? what is the motivation for him to stand up for his employees? Why should an employee refer to a CEO and his executives as "Leaders" whose leader are they?
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