数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Some words, like “the” or “and” in English, are used a lot in speech and writing. For most Natural Language Processing applications, you will want to remove these very frequent words. This is usually done using a list of “stopwords” which has been complied by hand.
This project uses the source texts provided by the African Storybook Project as a corpus and provides a number of tools to extract frequency lists and lists of stopwords from this corpus for the 60+ languages covered by ASP.
Included in this dataset are the following languages:
* Afrikaans: stoplist and word frequency
* Hausa: stoplist and word frequency
* Lugbarati: word frequency only
* Lugbarati (Official): word frequency only
* Somali: stoplist and word frequency
* Sesotho: stoplist and word frequency
* Kiswahili: stoplist and word frequency
* Yoruba: stoplist and word frequency
* isiZulu: stoplist and word frequency
Files are named using the language’s ISO code. For each language, code.txt is the list of stopwords, and code_frequency_list.txt is word frequency information. A list of ISO codes the the languages associated with them may be found in ISO_codes.csv.
This project therefore attempts to fill in the gap in language coverage for African language stoplists by using the freely-available and open-licensed ASP Source project as a corpus.
Dual-licensed under CC-BY and Apache-2.0 license. Compiled by Liam Doherty. More information and the scripts used to generate these files are available [here](https://github.com/dohliam/more-stoplists).
This dataset is mainly helpful for use during NLP analysis, however there may some interesting insights in the data.
* What qualities do stopwords share across languages? Given a novel language, could you predict what its stopwords should be?
* What stopwords are shared across languages?
* Often, related languages will have words with the same meaning and similar spellings. Can you automatically identify any of these pairs of words?
You may also like:
* [Stopword Lists for 19 Languages (mainly European and South Asian)](https://www.kaggle.com/rtatman/stopword-lists-for-19-languages)
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