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Religion and Belief Systems,Linguistics Classification

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    Context Bible (or Biblia in Greek) is a collection of sacred texts or scriptures that Jews and Christians consider to be a product of divine inspiration and a record of the relationship between God and humans ([Wiki][1]). And for data mining purpose, we could do many things using Bible scriptures as for NLP, Classification, Sentiment Analysis and other particular topics between Data Science and Theology perspective. Content Here you will find the following bible versions in **sql, sqlite, xml, csv,** and **json** format: - American Standard-ASV1901 (ASV) - Bible in Basic English (BBE) - Darby English Bible (DARBY) - King James Version (KJV) - Webster's Bible (WBT) - World English Bible (WEB) - Young's Literal Translation (YLT) Each verse is accessed by a unique key, the combination of the BOOK+CHAPTER+VERSE id. **Example:** - Genesis 1:1 (Genesis chapter 1, verse 1) = 01001001 (01 001 001) - Exodus 2:3 (Exodus chapter 2, verse 3) = 02002003 (02 002 003) - The verse-id system is used for faster, simplified queries. - For instance: 01001001 - 02001005 would capture all verses between Genesis 1:1 through Exodus 1:5. Written simply: `SELECT * FROM bible.t_asv WHERE id BETWEEN 01001001 AND 02001005` **Coordinating Tables** There is also a number-to-book key (key_english table), a cross-reference list (cross_reference table), and a bible key containing meta information about the included translations (bible_version_key table). See below SQL table layout. These tables work together providing you a great basis for a bible-reading and cross-referencing app. In addition, each book is marked with a particular genre, mapping in the number-to-genre key (key_genre_english table) and common abbreviations for each book can be looked up in the abbreviations list (key_abbreviations_english table). While its expected that your programs would use the verse-id system, book #, chapter #, and verse # columns have been included in the bible versions tables. **A Valuable Cross-Reference Table** A very special and valuable addition to these databases is the extensive cross-reference table. It was created from the project at See .txt version included from website. Its extremely useful in bible study for discovering related scriptures. For any given verse, you simply query vid (verse id), and a list of rows will be returned. Each of those rows has a rank (r) for relevance, start-verse (sv), and end verse (ev) if there is one. **Basic Web Interaction** The web folder contains two php files. Edit the first few lines of index.php to match your server's settings. Place these in a folder on your webserver. The references search box can be multiple comma separated values. (i.e. John 3:16, Rom 3:23, 1 Jn 1:9, Romans 10:9-10) You can also directly link to a verse by altering the URI: [http://localhost/index.php?b=John 3:16, Rom 3:23, 1 Jn 1:9, Romans 10:9-10](http://localhost/index.php?b=John 3:16, Rom 3:23, 1 Jn 1:9, Romans 10:9-10) - bible-mysql.sql (MySQL) is the main database and most feature-oriented due to contributions from developers. It is suggested you use that for most things, or at least convert the information from it. - cross_references-mysql.sql (MySQL) is the cross-reference table. It has been separated to become an optional feature. This is converted from the project at - bible-sqlite.db (SQLite) is a basic simplified database for simpler applications (includes cross-references too). - cross_references.txt is the source cross-reference file obtained from In CSV folder, you will find (same list order with the other formats): - bible_version_key.csv ![bible_version_key][2] - key_abbreviations_english.csv ![key_abbreviations_english][3] - key_english.csv ![key_english][4] - key_genre_english.csv ![key_genre_english][5] - t_asv.csv, t_bbe.csv, t_dby.csv, t_wbt.csv, t_web.csv, t_ylt.csv ![t_version][6] Acknowledgements In behalf of the original contributors ([Github][7]) Inspirations [WordNet][8] as an additional semantic resource for NLP [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]:



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