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NFL 最喜欢的橄榄球球队
该文件夹包含 The Rams Are Dead To Me 故事背后的数据,因此我回答了 3,352 个问题以寻找新的 NFL 球队。
team-picking-categories.csv 包含 16 个类别中每个 NFL 球队的成绩,用于挑选新的最喜欢的球队。
abbrev | category |
FRL | Fan relations - Courtesy by players, coaches and front offices toward fans, and how well a team uses technology to reach them |
OWN | Ownership - Honesty; loyalty to core players and the community |
PLA | Players - Effort on the field, likability off it |
FUT | Future wins - Projected wins over next 5 seasons |
BWG | Bandwagon Factor - Are the team's next 5 years likely to be better than their previous 5? |
TRD | Tradition - Championships/division titles/wins in team's entire history |
BNG | Bang for the buck - Wins per fan dollars spent |
BEH | Behavior - Suspensions by players on team since 2007, with extra weight to transgressions vs. women |
NYP | Proximity to New York City |
SLP | Proximity to St. Louis |
AFF | Affordability - Price of tickets, parking and concessions |
SMK | Small Market - Size of market in terms of population, where smaller is better |
STX | Stadium experience - Quality of venue; fan-friendliness of environment; frequency of game-day promotions |
CCH | Coaching - Strength of on-field leadership |
UNI | Uniform - Stylishness of uniform design, according to Uni Watch's Paul Lukas |
BMK | Big Market - Size of market in terms of population, where bigger is better |
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