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历史 NBA Elo该目录包含 NBA 互动完整历史背后的数据。数据定期更新。
比赛信息来自 Basketball-Reference.com。
在数据文件 nbaallelo.csv 中有以下变量:
Header | Definition |
gameorder | Play order of game in NBA history |
game_id | Unique ID for each game |
lg_id | Which league the game was played in |
_iscopy | Each row of data is tied to a single team for a single game, so iscopy flags if this gameid has already occured for the opposing team in the same matchup |
year_id | Season id, named based on year in which the season ended |
date_game | Game date |
is_playoffs | Flag for playoff games |
team_id | Three letter code for team name, from Basketball Reference |
fran_id | Franchise id. Multiple teamids can fall under the same franid due to name changes or moves. Interactive is grouped by fran_id. |
pts | Points scored by team |
elo_i | Team elo entering the game |
elo_n | Team elo following the game |
win_equiv | Equivalent number of wins in a 82-game season for a team of elo_n quality |
opp_id | Team id of opponent |
opp_fran | Franchise id of opponent |
opp_pts | Points scored by opponent |
opp_elo_i | Opponent elo entering the game |
opp_elo_n | Opponent elo following the game |
game_location | Home (H), away (A), or neutral (N) |
game_result | Win or loss for team in the team_id column |
forecast | Elo-based chances of winning for the team in the team_id column, based on elo ratings and game location |
notes | Additional information |
This dataset is maintained using GitHub's API and Kaggle's API.
This dataset is distributed under the Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.
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