数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
## Donations
If you find this dataset helpful consider donating to this BTC address - `3QY74P79ZFbyqxBESGgSkH3tTaF3X1ED7e`
Donations help with server and storage costs to continue supplying datasets like this and other experiments to share in the open with the public.
## Overview
This dataset was collected from Feb 2nd 2019 - Feb 14th 2019 from an LND node running on mainnet. There are approx. ~650k channel and node updates included in this data set.
Since the data is stored in JSON I used shortkeys when saving the data. It should be easy to deserialize the data and I've included the code to do it below.
To deserialize the data you would want to do something like this -
const data = require('graphupdates.json');
const deserializedData = data.map(datum => new SerializedUpdate(datum).deserialize());
Make sure to insert the classes below in to your code somewhere so they can be used by the above loop function.
const ChannelUpdate = {
id: 'i',
base_fee_mtokens: 'a',
capacity: 'b',
cltv_delta: 'c',
fee_rate: 'd',
is_disabled: 'e',
min_htlc_mtokens: 'f',
public_keys: 'g',
transaction_id: 'h',
transaction_vout: 'j',
type: 't',
updated_at: 'u'
const ChannelClosedUpdate = {
capacity: 'k',
id: 'i',
close_height: 'l',
transaction_id: 'm',
transaction_vout: 'n',
type: 't',
updated_at: 'u'
const NodeUpdate = {
alias: 'o',
color: 'a',
public_key: 'p',
sockets: 'q',
type: 'r',
updated_at: 's'
class SerializedUpdate {
constructor(data, classToUse) {
Object.keys(data).forEach(key => {
let value = data[key];
this[classToUse[key]] = value;
deserialize() {
const classToUse = this.t === 'node_update' ? NodeUpdate : (this.t === 'channel_update' ? ChannelUpdate : ChannelClosedUpdate);
Object.keys(classToUse).forEach(key => {
let shortKey = classToUse[key];
let value = this[shortKey];
this[key] = value;
delete this[shortKey];
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