数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
# About This Data
This is a list of over 18,000 restaurants in the US that serve vegetarian or vegan food provided by [Datafiniti's Business Database][1]. The dataset includes address, city, state, business name, business categories, menu data, phone numbers, and more.
*Note that this is a sample of a large dataset. The full dataset is available through Datafiniti.*
# What You Can Do With This Data
You can use this data to determine the [most vegetarian and vegan-friendly cities in the US][2]. E.g.:
- How many restaurants in each metro area offers vegetarian options?
- Which metros among the 25 most popular metro areas have the most and least vegetarian restaurants per 100,000 residents?
- Which metros with at least 10 vegetarian restaurants have the most vegetarian restaurants per 100,000 residents?
- How many restaurants in each metro area offers vegan options?
- Which metros among the 25 most popular metro areas have the most and least vegan restaurants per 100,000 residents?
- Which metros with at least 10 vegan restaurants have the most vegan restaurants per 100,000 residents?
- Which cuisines are served the most at vegetarian restaurants?
# Data Schema
A full schema for the data is available in our [support documentation][3].
# About Datafiniti
Datafiniti provides instant access to web data. We compile data from thousands of websites to create standardized databases of business, product, and property information. [Learn more][4].
# Interested in the Full Dataset?
You can access the full dataset by running the following query with [Datafiniti’s Business API][5].
"query": "dateUpdated:[2018-01-01 TO *] AND categories:Restaurant* AND cuisines:(Vegan OR Vegetarian)* AND country:US* AND menus:* AND name:*
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