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# Context
Swedish crime statistics from 1950 to 2015
# Content
This data set contains statistics on reported crimes in Sweden (by 100.000) from 1950 to 2015. It contains the following columns:
1. crimes.total: total number of reported crimes
2. crimes.penal.code: total number of reported crimes against the criminal code
3. crimes.person: total number of reported crimes against a person
4. murder: total number of reported murder
5. sexual.offences: total number of reported sexual offences
6. rape: total number of reported rapes
7. assault: total number of reported aggravated assaults
8. stealing.general: total number of reported crimes involving stealing or robbery
9. robbery: total number of reported armed robberies
10. burglary: total number of reported armed burglaries
11. vehicle.theft: total number of reported vehicle thefts
12. house.theft: total number of reported theft inside a house
13. shop.theft: total number of reported theft inside a shop
14. out.of.vehicle.theft: total number of reported theft from a vehicle
15. criminal.damage: total number of reported criminal damages
16. other.penal.crimes: number of other penal crime offenses
17. fraud: total number of reported frauds
18. narcotics: total number of reported narcotics abuses
19. drunk.driving: total number of reported drunk driving incidents
20. Year: the year
21. population: the total estimated population of Sweden at the time
# Acknowledgements
Raw data taken from: https://www.bra.se/bra/bra-in-english/home/crime-and-statistics/crime-statistics.html
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