数据结构 ? 0.68M
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
# Context
Observations of particles much smaller than us, and various understandings of those particles, have propelled mankind forward in ways once impossible to imagine. "The elements" are what we call the sequential patterns in which some of these particles manifest themselves.
As a chemistry student and a coder, I wanted to do what came naturally to me and make my class a bit easier by coding/automating my way around some of the tedious work involved with calculations. Unfortunately, it seems that chemical-related datasets are not yet a thing which have been conveniently formatted into downloadable databases (as far as my research went). I decided that the elements would be a good place to start data collection, so I did that, and I'd like to see if this is useful to others as well.
Other related data sets I'd like to coalesce are some large amount of standard entropies and enthalpies of various compounds, and many of the data sets from the *CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics*. I also think as many diagrams as possible should be documented in a way that can be manipulated and read via code.
# Content
Included here are three data sets. Each data set I have included is in three different formats (CSV, JSON, Excel), for a total of nine files.
Table of the Elements:
- This is the primary data set.
- 118 elements in sequential order
- 72 features
Reactivity Series:
- 33 rows (in order of reactivity - most reactive at the top)
- 3 features (symbol, name, ion)
Electromotive Potentials:
- 284 rows (in order from most negative potential to most positive)
- 3 features (oxidant, reductant, potential)
# Acknowledgements
All of the data was scraped from 120 pages on Wikipedia using scripts. The links to those scripts are available in the dataset descriptions.
# Extra
If you are interested in trying the chemistry calculations code I made for completing some of my repetitive class work, it's publicly available on [my GitHub][1]. ([Chemistry Calculations Repository][1]) I plan to continue updating that as time goes on.
[1]: https://github.com/jwaitze/Chemistry-Calculations
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