数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
# Context
College presidents across the nation recognized a need to track how student-athletes are doing academically prior to graduation. Starting in 2003, colleges and universities in NCAA Division I — the largest and highest profile athletics programs — implemented a comprehensive academic reform package designed to improve the academic success and graduation of all student-athletes. The centerpiece of the academic reform package was the development of a real-time academic measurement for sports teams, known as the Academic Progress Rate (APR).
The APR includes student-athlete eligibility, retention and graduation as factors in a formula that yields a single number, providing a much clearer picture of the current academic culture on each Division I sports team in the country. Since its inception, the APR has become an important measure of student-athlete academic success. For high APR scores, the NCAA recognizes member institutions for ensuring that student-athletes succeed in the classroom. If, however, low APR scores are earned consistently, member institutions can be subjected to penalties including scholarship reductions and the loss of eligibility to compete in championships.
# Content
This study was created, by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), to provide public access to team-level APR scores, eligibility rates, retention rates, and athlete counts on Division I athletic programs starting with the 2003-2004 season through the 2013-2014 season
# Inspiration
Which sport or school has the highest academic score? Which schools' scores have increased or decreased significantly in the past decade? Are men's or women's team academic performance better? What about public and private colleges?
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