数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
# Content
Xiangqi, also known as Chinese Chess, is one of the most popular board game in China and Southeastern Asia that is played by millions of people every single day. More information on the rules and the history of Xiangqi can be found from the [Xiangqi wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xiangqi)
The dataset contains 10,000 game logs of Blitz xiangqi played on [playOK.com](http://www.playok.com/en/xiangqi/), scraped off playOK API with Python. In particular, the games in the dataset have ID numbers between 57380690 and 57390689. The game records are stored in two separate files:
1. gameinfo.csv which contains players information and game result in
+ gameID
+ game_datetime
+ blackID
+ blackELO
+ redID
+ redELO
+ winner
2. moves.csv which contains game moves in
+ gameID
+ turn: A number denoting at which turn of the game the move was made.
+ side
+ move: Moves are recorded with the WXF notation. Explainations can be found at [XQinEnglish.com](http://www.xqinenglish.com/intro_to_xq_notations.html)
# Acknowledgements
Data is scraped from the [playOK.com](http://www.playok.com/) game logs API.
Cover photo is from [Rosino](https://flic.kr/p/7kw9dR) under [CC BY-SA 2.0](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/).
# Misc.
There are millions of game logs on playOK.com but I decided to cut the data off at 10,000 games due to file size. If you need more games, check the [GitHub repository](https://github.com/changhsinlee/xiangqi-scraper) of my online xiangqi scraper.
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