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This dataset contains Ghana's state of the nation addresses since 2008. The state of the nation address is an annual address to parliament given by the president. It typically summarizes the government's agenda and the progress made in the past year as seen by the administration in power.
This dataset is published as part of the [Citizen Data Science Project](https://ds4good.github.io/ghana-datasets/), you are welcome to join the conversation on [Slack](https://join.slack.com/t/ds4good/shared_invite/enQtNDE4NTkxMzI1NDQ2LWJkNDI0ZDEyODY5NDkyNjg3NWI1NmJkNTg0ZmM1MGI1ODUxNGY3MmNjNWVjNzBhMzNlODc3ZjE2YjVkYjFmM2Y)
Dataset Use-cases
1. Teaching and learning Natural Language Processing (NLP):
by demonstrating NLP techniques using data that learner can identify with, we improve engagement & better understanding of the concepts. We will be happy to see the community demonstrate NLP concepts with this dataset while delivery relevant applications/use-cases. [spacy](https://spacy.io/), [nltk](https://www.nltk.org/), [gate](https://gate.ac.uk/), etc.
2. Key Topics and address uniqueness:
What are the key topics over the years? Can the state of the nation address highlight main problems/talking points in each year?.
3. Search:
As a journalist or an inquisitive citizen, I want to be able to search the speech and get short relevant paragraphs/sentences about my topic of interest.
4. Question and Answering:
further to search, can you device an algorithm that answers questions using the content of this data-set? [what are typical questions people ask of the state of the nation address? we need to find out.]. **For Learning outcome** question and answering systems are popular nlp applications. what are the key concepts? your work should highlight them.
5. Promise Extraction:
Are you able to extract promises/commitments made in these addresses? This will enable citizens hold their governments accountable. **For Learning outcome** this should teach the core concepts of in Information Retrieval.
6. Others
Any other application you wish to share with the community.
by: [easimadi](https://www.linkedin.com/in/easimadi/)
source: [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_of_the_Nation_(Ghana))
[Institute of ICT Professionals Ghana](https://www.iipgh.org)
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