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Social Issues and Advocacy,Public Health Classification

数据结构 ? 7.24M

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    Context The data here is from the Global Health Observatory (GHO) who provide data on malaria incidence, death and prevention from around the world. I have also included malaria net distribution data the Against Malaria Foundation (AMF). The AMF has consistently been ranked as the most cost effective charity by charity evaluators Give Well - Content GHO data is all in narrow format, with variables for a country in a given year being found on different rows. GHO data (there are a number or superfluous columns): - GHO (CODE) - GHO (DISPLAY) - this is the variable being measured - GHO (URL) - PUBLISHSTATE (CODE) - PUBLISHSTATE (DISPLAY) - PUBLISHSTATE (URL) - YEAR (CODE) - YEAR (DISPLAY) - YEAR (URL) - REGION (CODE) - REGION (DISPLAY) - REGION (URL) - COUNTRY (CODE) - can be used to join this data with the AMF data - COUNTRY (DISPLAY) - COUNTRY (URL) - Display Value - this is the measured value - Low - lower confidence interval - High - higher confidence interval - Comments AMF distribution data: - #_llins - total number of malaria nets distributed - location - the specific area that received the nets, within the target country - country - the country in which the nets were distributed - when - the period the distribution - by_whom - the organisation(s) which partnered with the AMF to perform the distribution - country_code - the country's GHO country code (this will allow joining with the GHO data) For the current version all data was downloaded 20-08-17 The GHO data covers the years from 2000 to 2015 (not all files have data in all years) The AMF data runs from 2006 - the present. The GHO data is taken as is from the csv (lists) available here: The source of the AMF's distribution data is here: - it was assembled into a single csv using Excel (mea culpa) Inspiration Malaria is one of the world's most devastating diseases, not least because it largely affects some of the poorest people. Over the past 15 years malaria rates and mortality have dropped (, but there is still a long way to go. Understanding the data is generally one of the most important steps in solving any large problem. I'm excited to see what the Kaggle community can find out about the global trends in malaria over this period, and if we can find out anything about the impact of organisations such as the AMF.



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