数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
I've created this dataset in order to fit the Dixon-Robinson model from [1]
In order to fit this model I needed more than just the scores, in fact it requires the minutes when the goals have been scored.
In my opinion, the Dixon-Robinson model has not been given the right attention in history, maybe because of the lack of detailed datasets. It is actually a family of models and I would like to share with the community the work I am doing on them. At the moment, I have been performing some qualitative analysis and I started writing the code for the models themselves.
The .RData file contains two data.frames
1. **SerieA:** each row of this variable contains data related to a single match. Column names are quite self explanatory.
2. **teams_data:** this variable contains a summary of the data in **SerieA**, divided for teams. Quite useful to compute summary statistics.
The dataset comes in a .RData format because it was not convenient to fit the data in a table, since I needed a variable number of slots for each row to store the minutes.
I am happy to hear any comment, since I am new to Kaggle and Data Science in general and I wish to learn as much as possible.
Data were scraped from various web sites, have a look at this paper for insights on the models I wish to use
[1] M. J. Dixon, M.E. Robinson, "A Birth Process Model for Association Football Matches". The Statistician (1997)
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