数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
Hourly weather data for the New York City Taxi Trip Duration Challange
Here is some detailed weather data for the New York City Taxi Trip Duration Challange. I noticed that many contenders use daily weather data and thought that the ML could be improved with hourly data for NYC (default KNYC station) since pickup_datetime is given. python code on github can return same data for any city
Wundergrounds API provides hourly weather data in JSON format, but I assume most people just want the complete data set in csv. i stands for imperial, m for metric so the difference stands in the relative unit for the returned value (ex. Fahrenheit vs. Celsius).
Note that values will = -9999 or -999 for Null or Non applicable (NA) variables. (replaced with NaN in Version 2)
Wundergrounds full Phrase Glossary
datetime: Date and time of day (EST)
tempm: Temperature in Celcius
tempi: Temperature in Fahrenheit
dewptm: Dewpoint in Celcius
dewpti: Dewpoint in Fahrenheit
hum: Humidity %
wspdm: Wind speed in kph
wspdi: Wind speed in mph
wgustm: Wind gust in kph
wgusti: Wind gust in mph
wdird: Wind direction in degrees
wdire: Wind direction description
vism: Vivibility in Km
visi: Visibility in miles
pressurem: Pressure in mBar
pressurei: Pressure in inHg
windchillm: Wind chill in Celcius
windchilli: Wind chill in Fahrenheit
heatindexm: Heat index Celcius
heatindexi: Heat index Fahrenheit
precipm: Precipitation in mm
precipi: Precipitation in inches
conds: Conditions: See full list of conditions
fog: Boolean
rain: Boolean
snow: Boolean
hail: Boolean
thunder: Boolean
tornado: Boolean
Thanks to Wunderground
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