数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
DDVEC Vector average wind direction in degrees (360 = north, 90 = east, 180 = south, 270 = west, 0 = windstorm / variable). See http://www.knmi.nl/kennis-en-datacentrum/achtergrond/klimatologischebrochures-en-boeken
FHVEC Vector average wind speed (in 0.1 m / s). See http://www.knmi.nl/kennis-en-datacentrum/achtergrond/klimatologischebrochures-en-boeken
FG Mean average wind speed (in 0.1 m / s)
FHX Highest Hourly Average Wind Speed ??(in 0.1 m / s)
FHXH Hour box in which FHX has been measured
FHN Lowest Hourly Average Wind Speed ??(in 0.1 m / s)
FHNH Hour box in which FHN is measured
FXX Highest wind speed (in 0.1 m / s)
FXXH Hour box in which FXX is measured
TG Average average temperature (0.1 degrees Celsius)
TN Minimum Temperature (0.1 degrees Celsius)
TNH Hour box where TN is measured
TX Maximum Temperature (0.1 degrees Celsius)
TXH Hourbox where TX is measured
T10N Minimum temperature at 10 cm height (0.1 degrees Celsius)
T10NH 6-hour period in which T10N is measured
SQ Sunshine duration (in 0.1 hours) calculated from the global radiation (-1 for <0.05 hours)
SP Percentage of longest possible sunshine duration
Q Global radiation (in J / cm2)
DR Duration of precipitation (in 0.1 hours)
RH Etching sum of the precipitate (in 0.1 mm) (-1 for <0.05 mm)
RHX Highest amount of precipitation (in 0.1 mm) (-1 for <0.05 mm)
RHXH Hour box in which RHX has been measured
PG Average air pressure reduced to sea level (in 0.1 hPa) calculated from 24 hour values
PX Highest hourly value of air pressure reduced to sea level (in 0.1 hPa)
PXH Hour box in which PX has been measured
PN Lowest hourly value of air pressure reduced to sea level (in 0.1 hPa)
PNH Hour box in which PN is measured
VVN Minimum sighted view
VVNH Hour box in which VVN is measured
VVX Maximum Visibility
VVXH Hour box in which VVX is measured
NG Average mean cloudiness (coverage of the upper air in eights, 9 = upper air invisible)
UG Mean average relative humidity (in percentages)
UX Maximum relative humidity (in percent)
UXH Hour box in which UX has been measured
UN Minimum relative humidity (in percentages)
UNH Hourbox where UN has been measured
EV24 Reference Vapor Evaporation (Makkink) (in 0.1 mm)
Is it possible to make predictions for tomorrow's temperature?
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