数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
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Do you know what is common among Kung Fu Panda, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Monster Trucks, Trolls, Spongebob Movie and Monster Vs Aliens? They all were scripted by the same authors - [Jonathan Aibel and Glenn Berger][1].
[Kung Fu Panda][2] is a 2008 animated movie by DreamWorks Production. It has made [$631 million][3] and its one of the most successful film on the box office from DreamWorks.
There is much talk and discussions on this movie beyond cinema-goers. Some like to learn leadership lessons from it and few others try to link it with [Christianity][4], [Taoism][5], [Mysticism][6] and [Islam][7].
I was wondering if we can see the script from data science perspective and can answer some of the questions with significant implications in movie and other industries.
I welcome you all to do Data Science Martial Arts with Kung-fu-Panda and see who survives
It’s a complete script of Kung Fu Panda 1 and 2 in CSV format with all background narrations, scene settings and movie dialogues by characters (Po, Master Shufy, Tai Lung, Tigress, Monkey, Viper, Oogway, Mr. Ping, Mantis and Crane).
Kung Fu Panda is a production by DreamWorks Studios. All scripts were gathered from online public sources like [this][8] and [this][9].
Some ideas worth exploring:
? Can we train the neural network to recognize the character by dialogue? For example, if I give any line from the script, your algorithm will be able to tell who’s more likely to say this in movie?
? Can we make the word cloud for each character (and perhaps compare it with other movie characters by same authors and see who is similar to who)
? Can we train a chat bot for Oogway to Po so kids can talk to it and it would respond the same way as Oogway or Po would
? Can we calculate the average length or dialogue
? Can we estimate the difficulty level of vocabulary being used and perhaps compare it with movies of other genre
? Can we compare the script with some religious text and find out similarities
[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Aibel_and_Glenn_Berger
[2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kung_Fu_Panda
[3]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kung_Fu_Panda#Box_office
[4]: https://christiananswers.net/spotlight/movies/2008/kungfupanda2008.html
[5]: https://www.christianforums.com/threads/taoism-and-kung-fu-panda.7943291/
[6]: http://kungfupanda.wikia.com/wiki/Five_Mystic_Kung_Fu_Secrets
[7]: http://%E2%80%A2%09http://muzlimbuzz.sg/a-muslims-reflection-on-kung-fu-panda-3/
[8]: http://kungfupanda.wikia.com/wiki/Kung_Fu_Panda/Transcript
[9]: http://kungfupanda.wikia.com/wiki/Kung_Fu_Panda_2/Transcript
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