数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
I've always been a workout and fitness fanatic and now that I've learned about web scrapping, I want to try my new found skills in scrapping one of the biggest (if not THE biggest) online website for sports nutrition -- **bodybuilding.com**
In this attempt, I would like to create a dataset that has **all Sports Nutrition and Workout Support** products. Specifically my aim is to select the following features from each product:
- Product name
- Brand name
- Product description
- Product category
- Total price
- Price per serving
- Number of reviews
- Overall rating
- Number of overall reviewers
- Verified buyer rating
- Number of verified buyer reviews
- Average flavor rating
- Number of flavors
- Top rated flavor rating
- Top rated flavor name
**To Note:** this data set can be further enhanced by including other product properties, such as:
- Ingredients
- Different servings sizes and their corresponding prices
- etc...
However, due to time constraints and this being the first time I attempt to scrape a website, I will stick to the list I have currently :)
## Potential questions to answer using this dataset
- Which product categories are associated with the highest rating? As a potential product developer, which category should you focus on?
- What flavor should the product you create make available? Does that make a difference? Do flavors affect overall product rating?
- Does value affect overall product rating? Is price negatively correlated with overall product rating?
These and other potential questuons could be answered and/or alluded to using the available dataset. Happy coding pythonistas!!!
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