数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
# Context
The following is the results of an online survey conducted by BoilingSteam.com among the Linux Gamers' Community (n=560, sharing only here answers where respondents explicitly agreed to have their answers made public, i.e. total n size was higher) in end of Q1 2016, to better understand their hardware, usage habits and reactions to several of Valve's Steam Initiatives. Most of the answers are coming from members of the r/Linux_Gaming and r/Linux subreddits, so you need to take in account that this may not be representative of your typical Linux user.
# Content
There are many variables in this data set, with both numerical, free text and categorical answers. Every line corresponds to an individual response. Note that answers are anonymous. The first row is the coding you can use for your analysis (that should save a bit of time), the second row is the actual question asked (you can erase it), and the data starts from the third row.
Questions cover some of the following attributes (there are much more in the actual datasheet):
- Demographics / Geography
- Family Situation
- OS used for Work and at Home
- Linux Usage experience
- Linux Gaming Experience
- Type of Gamer (Hardcore or not)
- Playing Exclusively on Linux or not
- Time spent Playing per week
- Budget spent on Linux Games per month
- Games played recently
- Games Bought recently
- Hardware GPU for Gaming
- Hardware GPU Model
- General Hardware at Home using Linux
- Usage of Resellers (Steam, GOG, HumbleBundle)
- Satisfaction of different Resellers
- Awareness of Steam Machines
- Awareness of Steam Controller, Steam Link
- Intent of Purchase of Steam Machines
- Intent of Building Steam Machine DIY
- SteamOS and opinion towards it
- General feeling towards future of Linux
- Stance about DRM
- Stance about WINE
- WINE usage and satisfaction
- and much more...
# Acknowledgements
The questionnaire was designed by Ekianjo at [BoilingSteam.com][1]. If you have suggestions for improvements of future surveys of the same kind, please reach us on Kaggle or on our contact page: [http://boilingsteam.com/about-boiling-steam/][2]
# Past Research
You can see some analysis done a previous iteration of this survey (previous data can not be made public however) - this may serve as a good benchmark to measure changes: [http://boilingsteam.com/the-three-kinds-of-linux-gamers/][3]
# Inspiration
Feel free to play with the data, and share what insights you may find. We are big proponents of making data free in general for transparency purposes, so if your analysis can help generate a better understanding of who are Linux Gamers, this would be a great outcome.
[1]: http://www.boilingsteam.com
[2]: http://boilingsteam.com/about-boiling-steam/
[3]: http://boilingsteam.com/the-three-kinds-of-linux-gamers/
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