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# Context
Launched in 1979, the [World Economic Forum][1]'s Global Competitiveness Report is the longest-running, most comprehensive assessment of the drivers of economic development. The 2016-2017 edition covers 138 economies.
Please contact gcp@weforum.org for any question.
[Go here][2] for more information about the Global Competitiveness Report and Index.
# Content
The data contains all the components of the Global Competitiveness Index, that's 170 time series, including 113 individual indicators. The file contains the following tabs:
- **About this Dataset**: all the legal stuff and **important disclaimers**
- **Data**: contains the data organised as follows:
Entities (economies and regions) are listed across. For each data point, the value, rank, period, source, source date, and note (if any) are reported. The dataset includes the GCI editions 2007-2008 to 2016-2017. Editions are "stacked" vertically, starting with the most recent. Earlier editions are not included due to change in the methodology.
- **Entities**: list of all entities, i.e. economies, with ISO codes and groups to which they belong (i.e. World Bank's income group, IMF's regional classification, and Forum's own regional classification)
- **Meta data**: list all series with reference ID, descriptions, units, placement in the index, etc.
[Detailed methodology][3]
[1]: http://weforum.org
[2]: http://reports.weforum.org/global-competitiveness-index/
[3]: http://reports.weforum.org/global-competitiveness-index/appendix-a-methodology-and-computation-of-the-global-competitiveness-index-2016-2017/
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