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The election of Donald Trump has taken the world by surprise and is fuelling populist movements in Europe, e.g. in Italy, Austria and France. Understanding populism and assessing the impact of the “Trump effect” on Europe is a tremendous challenge, and Dalia wants to help pool brainpower to find answers.
The goal is to find out where the next wave of populism could hit in Europe by comparing and contrasting US and EU voter profiles, opinions of Trump vs Clinton voters, Brexit vs. Bremain voters, and future expectations.
Expanding Dalia’s quarterly "[EuroPulse][1]" omnibus survey to the USA, Dalia has conducted a representative survey with n=11.283 respondents across all 28 EU member countries and n=1.052 respondents from the United States of America. To find out where the next wave of populism could hit Europe, Dalia’s survey traces commonalities in social and political mindsets (like authoritarianism, prejudice, open-mindedness, xenophobia, etc.), voting behaviour and socio-demographic profiles on both sides of the Atlantic.
The sources of our inspirations are many, but to name a few who influenced the way we asked questions: we were very inspired by the 'angry voter' profile laid out by [Douglas Rivers][3], the influence of political and moral attitudes pointed out by [Jonathan Haidt][4] and the profile of "America's forgotten working class" by [J. D. Vance][5].
**Researchers should apply the necessary logic, caution and diligence when analysing and interpreting the results.**
[1]: https://daliaresearch.com/europulse/
[2]: https://daliaresearch.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Methodology-PDF-1.pdf
[3]: http://www.americanacademy.de/home/person/douglas-rivers
[4]: https://www.ted.com/speakers/jonathan_haidt
[5]: https://www.ted.com/speakers/jd_vance
[6]: https://fivethirtyeight.com/
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