数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
# Context
Many nations have their honours systems, and many outstanding people receive awards every year. The research on this data is part of the project "[Awards policy][1]" - an multinational database of outstanding people who received various state or non-state awards, and of the awards themselves.
# Content
The dataset contains aggregated data about UK honours and the people who received them from 2008 to January 2017 - 20 493 records in total. So far only data from two honours lists has been included: the Queen's Birthday List and the New Year's List. After some PDF-parsing, other data may be added.
The fields in the dataset are:
- list (type of the honours list)
- year (year of the release)
- order (which order the honour belongs to)
- level (abbreviation)
- award (the award)
- name (full name of the honoured person)
- citation (additional info about the honoured person)
- county (person's residence)
# Acknowledgements
The data comes from the CSVs found at the wonderful [Gov.uk][2] website and is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0.
# Inspiration
Although this data is expected to be used mostly as a reference (e.g. looking up particular people), statistical analysis may be insightful for studying social structures.
So, here some questions to ask:
1. Are there any social groups (or people) in the UK that regularly receive honours from the Crown? And are any being neglected?
2. Are there any geographical peculiarities of the award policy? (geocoding needed)
3. Are there any remarkable changes in the awards policy over the given period (because of financial crisis, Brexit ...)?
4. ...
[1]: http://nagrady.by
[2]: https://www.gov.uk/honours/honours-lists
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