数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
# Context
This San Francisco 311 dataset contains all 311 cases created since 7/1/2008 (~2M). SF311 is a way for citizens to obtain information, report problems, or submit service requests to the City and County of San Francisco.
Potential question(s) to get started with!
- What are some effective visualizations for conveying 311 incidences and trends?
- How do 311 requests vary by neighborhood? or source? Over time or seasonally?
- What attributes have the greatest effect on how long it takes a case to close?
- Is there a way to identify duplicative reports (when multiple people create a 311 report for the same incidence)?
# Fields
Please see DataSF's 311 Case Data FAQ [here][1]
- CaseID - (Numeric) - The unique ID of the service request created.
- Opened - (Timestamp) - The date and time when the service request was made
- Closed - (Timestamp) - The date and time when the service request was closed
- Updated - (Timestamp) - The date and time when the service request was last modified. For requests with status=closed, this will be the date the request was closed
- Status - (Text) - The current status of the service request.
- Status Notes - (Text) - Explanation of why status was changed to current state or more details on current status than conveyed with status alone
- Responsible Agency - (Text) - The agency responsible for fulfilling or otherwise addressing the service request.
- Category - (Text) - The Human readable name of the specific service request type
- Request Type - (Text) - More specific description of the problem related to the Category
- Request Details - (Text) - More specific description of the problem related to the Request Type
- Address - (Text) - Human readable address or description of location
- Supervisor District - (Numeric) - Supervisor District
- Neighborhood - (Text) - Neighborhood
- Point - (Geometry: Point) - latitude and longitude using the (WGS84) projection.
- Source - (Text) - How the service request was made
- Media URL - (Text) - Url to media
We have included the following commonly used geographic shapefile(s):
- [Supervisor Districts as of April 2012][2]
- Neighborhoods
# Acknowledgements
Data provided by [SF311][3] via the San Francisco Open Data Portal at https://data.sfgov.org/d/vw6y-z8j6
PDDL 1.0 ODC Public Domain Dedication and Licence ([PDDL][4])
Photo via Flickr [Jeremy Brooks][5] [(CC BY-NC 2.0)][6]
[1]: http://support.datasf.org/customer/en/portal/articles/2429403-311-case-data---faq
[2]: https://data.sfgov.org/Geographic-Locations-and-Boundaries/Supervisor-Districts-as-of-April-2012/xz9b-wyfc
[3]: https://sf311.org/
[4]: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/pddl/1.0/
[5]: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jeremybrooks/
[6]: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/
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