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# Context
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This dataset collects characteristics of the population in each region (age distribution, unemployment rate, immigration percent and primary economic sector) and cross it with the votes per each political part.
It has 52 fields:
1) Code [String]: Region code of the different Spanish areas. There are 8126 different regions, but the dataset only contains 8119, because some sources were incomplete.
2) RegionName [String]: Name of the region.
3) Population [Int]: Amount of people living in that area (1st January 2015)
4) TotalCensus [Int]: Number of people over 18 years old, which means that can vote.
5) TotalVotes [Int]: Number of total votes.
6) AbstentionPtge [Float]: Percent of the people that have not votes in the election.
(TotalCensus-TotalVotes)/TotalCensus*100 %
7) BlankVotesPtge [Float]: Percent of votes that were blank. Calculated as follows:
BlankVotes/TotalVotes*100 %
8) NullVotesPtge [Float]: Percent of votes that were null. Calculated as follows:
NullVotes/TotalVotes*100 %
9) PP_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the votes given to the political party called “Partido Popular”.
(PP_Votes)/TotalVotes*100 %
10) PSOE_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the votes given to the political party called “Partido Socialista Obrero Espa?ol”
(PSOE_Votes)/TotalVotes*100 %
11) Podemos_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the votes given to the political party called “Podemos”
(Podemos_Votes)/TotalVotes*100 %
12) Ciudadanos_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the votes given to the political party called “Ciudadanos”
(Ciudadanos_Votes)/TotalVotes*100 %
13) Others_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the votes given to the others political parties
(∑?MinoritaryVotes)/TotalVotes*100 %
14) Age_0-4_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the populations which age is between 0 and 4 years old. It is calculated as follows:
(Number of people in (0-4))/TotalPopulation*100 %
15) Age_5-9_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the populations which age is between 5 and 9 year old.
16) Age_10-14_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the populations which age is between 10 and 14 years old
17) Age_15-19_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the populations which age is between 15 and 19 years old
18) Age_20-24_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the populations which age is between 20 and 24 years old
19) Age_25-29_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the populations which age is between 25 and 29 years old
20) Age_30-34_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the populations which age is between 30 and 34 years old
21) Age_35-39_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the populations which age is between 35 and 39 years old
22) Age_40-44_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the populations which age is between 40 and 44 years old
23) Age_45-49_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the populations which age is between 45 and 49 years old
24) Age_50-54_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the populations which age is between 50 and 54 years old
25) Age_55-59_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the populations which age is between 55 and 59 years old
26) Age_60-64_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the populations which age is between 60 and 64 years old
27) Age_65-69_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the populations which age is between 65 and 69 years old
28) Age_70-74_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the populations which age is between 70 and 74 years old
29) Age_75-79_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the populations which age is between 75 and 79 year old
30) Age_80-84_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the populations which age is between 80 and 84 years old
31) Age_85-89_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the populations which age is between 85 and 89 year old
32) Age_90-94_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the populations which age is between 90 and 94 years old
33) Age_95-99_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the populations which age is between 95 and 99 years old
34) Age_100+_Ptge [Float]: Percent of the populations which is older than 100 years old.
35) ManPopulationPtge [Float]: Percentage of masculine population in a region. Calculated as follows:
36) WomanPopulationPtge [Float]: Percentage of masculine population in a region. Calculated as follows:
37) SpanishPtge [Float]: Percentage of people with spanish nationality in a region. Calculated as follows:
38) ForeignersPtge [Float]: Percentage of foreign people in a region. Calculated as follows:
39) SameComAutonPtge [Float]: Percentage of people who live in the same autonomic community (same province) that was born. Calculated as follows:
40) SameComAutonDiffProvPtge [Float]: Percentage of people who live in the same autonomic community (different province) that was born. Calculated as follows:
41) DifComAutonPtge [Float]: Percentage of people who live in different autonomic community that was born. Calculated as follows:
42) UnemployLess25_Ptge [Float]: Percent of unemployed people that are under 25 years and older than 18. It is calculated over the total amount of unemployment.
(UnemploymentLess25_Man+ UnemploymentLess25_Woman)/TotalUnemployment*100
43) Unemploy25_40_Ptge [Float]: Percent of unemployed people that are 25-40 years over the total amount of unemployment.
(Unemployment(25-40)_Man+ Unemployment(25-40)_Woman )/TotalUnemployment*100
44) UnemployMore40_Ptge [Float]: Percent of unemployed people that are older that 40 and younger than 69 years over the total amount of unemployment.
45) UnemployLess25_population_Ptge [Float]: Percent of unemployed people younger than 25 and older than 18, over the total population of the region. Note that the percent is calculated over the total population and not over the total active population.
(UnemploymentLess25_Man+ UnemploymentLess25_Woman)/TotalPopulation*100
46) Unemploy25_40_population_Ptge [Float]: Percent of unemployed people (25-40) years old, over the total population of the region. Note that the percent is calculated over the total population and not over the total active population.
(Unemployment(25-40)_Man+ Unemployment(25-40)_Woman )/TotalPopulation*100
47) UnemployMore40_population_Ptge [Float]: Percent of unemployed people (40-69) years old, over the total population of the region. Note that the percent is calculated over the total population and not over the total active population.
(UnemploymentLess25_Man+ UnemploymentLess25_Woman)/TotalPopulation*100
48) AgricultureUnemploymentPtge [Float]: Percent of unemployment in the agriculture sector relative to the total amount of unemployment.
49) IndustryUnemploymentPtge [Float]: Percent of unemployment in the industry sector relative to the total amount of unemployment.
50) ConstructionUnemploymentPtge [Float]: Percent of unemployment in the construction sector relative to the total amount of unemployment.
51) ServicesUnemploymentPtge [Float]: Percent of unemployment in the services sector relative to the total amount of unemployment.
52) NotJobBeforeUnemploymentPtge [Float]: Percent of unemployment of people that didn’t have an employ before, over the total amount of unemployment.
Age distribution per region
Relation between Spanish and foreigners
Relation between woman and man
Relation between people born in the same area or different areas of Spain
Congress elections result of Spanish election (June 2016)
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