数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
# Data on party strength in each US state
The repository contains data on party strength for each state as shown on each state's corresponding party strength Wikipedia page (for example, here is [Virginia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_party_strength_in_Virginia) )
Each state has a table of a detailed summary of the state of its governing and representing bodies on Wikipedia but there is no data set that collates these entries. I scraped each state's Wikipedia table and collated the entries into a single dataset. The data are stored in the **state_party_strength.csv** and **state_party_strength_cleaned.csv**. The code that generated the file can be found in corresponding Python notebooks.
Data contents:
The data contain information from 1980 on each state's:
1. governor and party
2. state house and senate composition
3. state representative composition in congress
4. electoral votes
Clean Version
Data in the clean version has been cleaned and processed substantially. Namely:
- all columns now contain homogenous data within the column
- names and Wiki-citations have been removed
- only the party counts and party identification have been left
The notebook that created this file is [here](https://github.com/kiwiPhrases/state_party_strength/blob/master/Cleaning_Party_Strength_per_state.ipynb)
Uncleaned Data Version
The data contained herein have not been altered from their Wikipedia tables except in two instances:
- Forced column names to be in accord across states
- Any needed data modifications (ie concatenated string columns) to retain information when combining columns
# To use the data:
Please note that the right *encoding* for the dataset is "ISO-8859-1
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