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Social Science,Music Classification (MA for short) is an encyclopedia website which includes information of nearly all heavy bands and al......

数据结构 ? 70.82M

    Data Structure ?

    * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。 (MA for short) is an encyclopedia website which includes information of nearly all heavy bands and albums on the earth. This information is collected and submitted by metalheads from all around the world. This dataset includes all "death metal" bands and albums on MA (by Nov. 2016). It's the search result by genre key word "death metal"  which includes all bands which  contain phrase "death metal" in their genre. (e.g. "technical death metal", "brutal death metal", "melodic death metal" … )

    The banner of dataset is the cover art of New Jersey-based death metal band Disma's debut full-length album "Towards the Megalith" (2011, Profound Lore Records). It's beautiful but not quite typical for this dataset's theme. But 1900+ resolution picture about death metal is rare, so I've chosen this one.


    There are three csv files included in the dataset:

    bands.csv contains 37,723 bands. Each record is consisted of 8 fields:

    • id: sequential integer id.

    • name: the band's name which can contains non-english character, punctuations, numbers and other weird characters.

    • country: country the band is from. "International"  means the members of the band are from multiple countries.

    • status: band's current activity-status: 'Unknown', 'Split-up', 'Active', 'Changed name', 'On hold' and 'Disputed'.

    • from_in: the year in which the band formed.

    • genre: the description of the band's genre. It's irregular, so you'd better not deem it as category but short text.

    • theme: the description of the band's lyric theme.

    • active: the time-span in which the band is active.

    albums.csv contains 28,069 albums. Each record is consisted of 4 fields:

    • id: sequential integer id.

    • band: foreign key to band's id in bands.csv.

    • title: album title.

    • year: the album's release year.

    reviews.csv  contains 21,510 reviews. Each record is consisted of 5 fields:

    • id: sequential integer id.

    • album: foreign key to album's id in albums.csv.

    • title: the review's title.

    • score: the score for that album. Float number from 0.0 to 1.0 (from negative to positive).

    • content: the review's text.


    • This dataset only contains full-length studio albums (excluding EPs, singles, live albums, split albums and others).

    • All commas in dataset are replaced by "|" to make comma available for fields separator.

    • NA value is "N/A".

    • All text is in utf-8 encoding.




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