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1996 - 2016 年四分卫统计

1996 - 2016 年四分卫统计

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Arts and Entertainment,Sports,Games Classification

数据结构 ? 1.44M

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    * 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。

    # Why? The NFL, ESPN, and many others have their own Quarterback rating system. Can you create your own? How many points does a QB contribute to a given game? And, with MVP trophy season coming up, who really stands out as an MVP and who is carried by their team? # QB Stats This is scraped from using Pandas' read_html function. This dataset contains every regular season NFL game and every NFL passer (including non-quarterbacks) from 1996 to 2016. Individual years are available for the past 10 years, and all 21 years are in QBStats_all. In addition to the traditional stats, the total points from the game have been appended to the stats. Win/Loss is up and coming, but is not a priority at the moment since a QB cannot control how well the defense stops the opposing offense. # Content Inside you'll find: - Quarterback Name (**qb**) - Attempts (**att**) - Completions (**cmp**) - Yards (**yds**) - Yards per Attempt (**ypa**) - Touchdowns (**td**) - Interceptions (**int**) - Longest Throw (**lg**) - Sacks (**sack**) - Loss of Yards (**loss**) - The NFL's Quarterback Rating for the game (**rate**) - Total points scored in the game (**game_points**) - Home or Away Game (**home_away**) - Year (**year**) # Important Note: Because of the way that these were scraped, the the game week is not supplied. However, the games are all in oldest to most recent which would allow for some time-series analysis. ## Additionally: Feel free to make any requests for additional information. But due to the time that it takes to scrape 21 years of NFL stats, it will likely take a while before I finish updating the dataset. # Acknowledgements I would very much like to thank for not blacklisting me after numerous scrapes and potential future scrapes for information on other positions.



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