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We present the Bosch Small Traffic Lights Dataset, an accurate dataset for vision-based traffic light detection. Vision-only based traffic light detection and tracking is a vital step on the way to fully automated driving in urban environments. We hope that this dataset allows for easy testing of objection detection approaches, especially for small objects in larger images. The scenes cover a decent variety of road scenes and typical difficulties:
Data description
This dataset contains 13427 camera images at a resolution of 1280x720 pixels and contains about 24000 annotated traffic lights. The annotations include bounding boxes of traffic lights as well as the current state (active light) of each traffic light. The camera images are provided as raw 12bit HDR images taken with a red-clear-clear-blue filter and as reconstructed 8-bit RGB color images. The RGB images are provided for debugging and can also be used for training. However, the RGB conversion process has some drawbacks. Some of the converted images may contain artifacts and the color distribution may seem unusual.
Dataset specifications:
Training set:
5093 images
Annotated about every 2 seconds
10756 annotated traffic lights
Median traffic lights width: ~8.6 pixels
15 different labels
170 lights are partially occluded
Test set:
8334 consecutive images
Annotated at about 15 fps
13486 annotated traffic lights
Median traffic light width: 8.5 pixels
4 labels (red, yellow, green, off)
2088 lights are partially occluded
For the test set, every frame is annotated and temporal information was used to improve the label accuracy. The test-set was recorded independently from the training set, but within the same region. The data-set was created to prototype traffic light detection approaches, it is not intended to cover all cases and not to be used for production.
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