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The Severe Weather Data Inventory (SWDI) is an integrated database of severe weather records for the United States. Severe weather is a phenomenon that risks the physical well-being of people and property. In fact, the frozen precipitation resulting from fast updrafts during strong thunderstorms can lead to serious damage and harm. Each year, the U.S. sees approximately $1 billion in property and crop damage due to severe weather incidents.
Frequency: Event-level
Period: 2015
The records in SWDI come from a variety of sources in the National Climatic Data Center archive and cover a number of weather phenomena. This extract from 2015 covers hail detections including the probability of a weather event as well as the size and severity of hail -- all of which help understand potential damage to property and injury to people. Records are event-level records. Individual storm cells with a high probability of yielding hail are included in this dataset -- a total of n = 10,824,080.
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