数据结构 ?
Data Structure ?
* 以上分析是由系统提取分析形成的结果,具体实际数据为准。
The measurement campaign was an ambitious aspect of the MonERGY project in which we monitored active power (Watts) at 1 Hz in selected households in the region of Carinthia (Austria) and Friuli-Venezia Giulia (Italy) for long term (1 year). We have been monitoring 8 households: 4 across the province of Udine (Italy) and 4 in the area of Klagenfurt (Austria).
The dataset was analyzed to model the energy demand in the regions and released to the research community for further studies. Each household is a different folder containing daily CSV files. Each file has the format timestamp, power for MAC1, power for MAC2, and so on, with MAC indicating in the header the network address of the Zigbee node used to collect the measurements.
In particular, the dataset was used for the following research areas:
Load disaggregation: identifying individual devices given an overall power measurement
Device usage modelling: predicting device operation in order to model users' preferences and plan control strategies
Occupancy modeling: given device usage inferring room and building occupancy, for instance to control thermostats
Autonomous device operation: learning controllers for small energy consumers/producers given power profiles and usage models extracted from real devices
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