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    Context I love movies.  I tend to avoid marvel-transformers-standardized products, and prefer a mix of classic hollywood-golden-age and obscure polish artsy movies. Throw in an occasional japanese-zombie-slasher-giallo as an alibi. Good movies don't exist without bad movies.  On average I watch 200+ movies each year, with peaks at more than 500 movies. Nine years ago I started to log my movies to avoid watching the same movie twice, and also assign scores. Over the years, it gave me a couple insights on my viewing habits but nothing more than what a tenth-grader would learn at school.  I've recently suscribed to Netflix and it pains me to see the global inefficiency of recommendation systems for people like me, who mostly swear by "La politique des auteurs". It's a term coined by famous new-wave french movie critic André Bazin, meaning that the quality of a movie is essentially linked to the director and it's capacity to execute his vision with his crew. We could debate it depends on movie production pipeline, but let's not for now. Practically, what it means, is that I essentially watch movies from directors who made films I've liked. I suspect Neflix calibrate their recommandation models taking into account the way the "average-joe" chooses a movie. A few months ago I had read a study based on a survey, showing that people chose a movie mostly based on genre (55%), then by leading actors (45%). Director or Release Date were far behind around 10% each. It is not surprising, since most people I know don't care who the director is. Lots of US blockbusters don't even mention it on the movie poster. I am aware that collaborative filtering is based on user proximity , which I believe decreases (or even eliminates) the need to characterize a movie. So here I'm more interested in content based filtering which is based on product proximity for several reasons : - Users tastes are not easily accessible. It is, after all, Netflix treasure chest - Movie offer on Netflix is so bad for someone who likes author's movies that it wouldn't help - Modeling a movie intrinsic qualities is a nice challenge Enough. "*The secret of getting ahead is getting started*" (Mark Twain) ![network graph][1] Content The primary source is If you watch obscure artsy romanian homemade movies you may find only 95% of your movies referenced...but for anyone else it should be in the 98%+ range. - movies details are from API : movies/details - movies crew & casting are from API : movies/credits - both can be joined by id - they contain all 350k movies up, from end of 19th century to august 2017. If you remove short movies from imdb you get similar amounts of movies. - I uploaded the program to retrieve incremental movie details on github : (need a dev API key from though) - I have tried various supervised (decision tree) / unsupervised (clustering, NLP) approaches described in the discussions, source code is on github : - As a bonus I've uploaded the bio summary from top 500 critically-acclaimed directors from wikipedia, for some interesting NLTK analysis Here is overview of the available sources that I've tried : **? free csv dumps** ( are badly documented, incomplete, loosely structured and impossible to join/merge. There's an API hosted by Amazon Web Service : 1€ every 100 000 requests. With around 1 million movies, it could become expensive also features are bare. So I've searched for other sources.  **?** is based on crowdsourcing and has an excellent API, limited to 40 requests every 10 seconds. It is quite generous, well documented, and enough to sweep the 450 000 movies in a few days. For my purpose, data quality is not significantly worse than imdb, and as imdb key is also included there's always the possibility to complete my dataset later (I actually did it) **?** has some interesting budget/revenue figures (which are sorely lacking in both imdb & tmdb), but it actually tracks only a few thousand movies, mainly blockbusters. There are other professional sources that are used by film industry to get better predictive / marketing insights but that's beyond my reach for this experiment.   **?** is an interesting source with no real cap on API calls, however it requires a bit of webscraping and for movies or directors the layout and quality varies a lot, so I suspected it'd get a lot of work to get insights so I put this source in lower priority. **?** will ban you after a few minutes of web scraping because their job is to scrap data from others, than sell it, duh.   ? It's worth mentionning that there are a **few dumps of Netflix** anonymized user tastes on kaggle, because they've organised a few competitions to improve their recommendation models. ? Online databases are largely white anglo-saxon centric, meaning bollywood (India is the 2nd bigger producer of movies) offer is mostly absent from datasets. I'm fine with that, as it's not my cup of tea plus I lack domain knowledge. The sheer amount of indian movies would probably skew my results anyway (I don't want to have too many martial-arts-musicals in my recommendations ;-)). I have, however, tremendous respect for indian movie industry so I'd love to collaborate with an indian cinephile ! ![Westerns][2] Inspiration Starting from there, I had multiple problem statements for both supervised / unsupervised machine learning - Can I program a tailored-recommendation system based on my own criteria ? - What are the characteristics of movies/directors I like the most ? - What is the probability that I will like my next movie ? - Can I find the data ? One of the objectives of sharing my work here is to find cinephile data-scientists who might be interested and, hopefully, contribute or share insights :) Other interesting leads : use tagline for NLP/Clustering/Genre guessing, leverage on budget/revenue, link with other data sources using the imdb normalized title, etc. ![Correlation matrix][3] Motivation, Disclaimer and Acknowledgements - I've graduated from an french engineering school, majoring in artificial intelligence, but that was 17 years ago right in the middle of A.I-winter. Like a lot of white male rocket scientists, I've ended up in one of the leading european investment bank, quickly abandonning IT development to specialize in trading/risk project management and internal politics. My recent appointment in the Data Office made me aware of recent breakthroughts in datascience, and I thought that developing a side project would be an excellent occasion to learn something new. Plus it'd give me a well-needed credibility which too often lack decision makers when it comes to datascience. - I've worked on some of the features with Cédric Paternotte, a fellow friend of mine who is a professor of philosophy of sciences in La Sorbonne. Working with someone with a different background seem a good idea for motivation, creativity and rigor. - Kudos to or sites, who really have a great attitude towards open data. This is typically NOT the case of modern-bigdata companies who mostly keep data to themselves to try to monetize it. Such a huge contrast with imdb or instagram API, which generously let you grab your last 3 comments at a miserable rate. Even if 15 years ago this seemed a mandatory path to get services for free, I predict one day governments will need to break this data monopoly. *[Disclaimer : I apologize in advance for my engrish (I'm french ^-^), any bad-code I've written (there are probably hundreds of way to do it better and faster), any pseudo-scientific assumption I've made, I'm slowly getting back in statistics and lack senior guidance, one day I regr



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