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We introduce RP2K, a new large-scale retail product dataset for fine-grained image classification. Unlike previous datasets focusing on relatively few products, we collect more than 500,000 images of retail products on shelves belonging to 2000 different products. Our dataset aims to advance the research in retail object recognition, which has massive applications such as automatic shelf auditing and image-based product information retrieval.
Our dataset enjoys following properties: (1) It is by far the largest scale dataset in terms of product categories. (2) All images are captured manually in physical retail stores with natural lightings, matching the scenario of real applications. (3) We provide rich annotations to each object, including the sizes, shapes and flavors/scents. We believe our dataset could benefit both computer vision research and retail industry.
Overview information of the RP2K dataset
Categorized information of the RP2K dataset
Data Collection
Pipeline of our data collection process. Our photo collectors were first distributed in over 500 different retail stores and collected over 10k high-resolution shelf images. Then we use a pre-trained detection model to extract the bounding boxes of potential objects of interests. After that, our human annotators discard the incorrect bounding boxes, including heavily occluded images and images that is not a valid retail product. The remaining images are annotated by the annotators.
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